Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Facing the Music

Dayna had a little trouble at school yesterday...nothing major, enough to lose her "green card." This is the first time she has been in trouble at school , and you could tell it was really bothering her.

When I picked her up from school, she told me that she needed to talk to me, but had to wait until Daddy came home. Once he came home, she took us each by the hand and sat us down in the living room for a "family meeting." At this point, she confessed what had happened. You could tell that it was eating her up inside. Inwardly, Dan & I were cheering, because we were seeing the conviction of the Holy Spirit working in her little life.

She did learn that consequences at school equal consequences at home, but she also learned that her honesty would result in a smaller consequence than if we had found out from her teacher. She paid those consequences, and wrote a letter of apology to the teacher she didn't obey.

It did my heart so much good to see her take responsibility for herself. I saw huge steps in the development of her character yesterday, and it makes me so proud to see the little girl she is becoming.

1 comment:

Amy B. said...

Love, love, love it. Sweet Dayna! Give her a hug from Amy & Amelia.