Saturday, April 10, 2010


They can be annoying at best and downright damaging at worst. This has been a week of rumors. There's a lot that I can't put into writing quite yet, partly for legal reasons and partly because I simply don't know what's truth, and I don't want to add to the rumors.

I got a letter last weekend. It wasn't a pleasant letter. It was the certified variety. (Does anything good ever come in a certified letter?) It was a layoff notice. At least, I think it was a layoff notice. It was written quite vaguely. What I do know for sure is that I will not have a job as a part-time music teacher in my district next year. There's a lot of unknowns in a statement like that.

I've heard all sorts of rumors this week, and I've seen no fewer than 5 conflicting statements in writing. These rumors only add to the instability of the situation (and my nerves, I must admit.)

It's been a really hard week. I've had two other fires to put out at school and professionally this week. In an attempt to be concise in handling them, I've apparently come across as harsh to at least one person, who had some rather unkind (to put it politely) things to say to me. I feel horrible, and I've tried to mend the fence, but honestly, I don't know what else I can do. Some days (let's face it, some moments) have been harder than others this week. There have been times I've barely held it together (and times I haven't held it together at all.) Other times, I remember God's promises.

There are so many scenarios that can come of this situation. I hardly dare to put them in writing. I'll just say that some of the things Dan & I have prayed about for years might possibly happen. Sometimes a red light is a green light in disguise. Even so...that light can be terrifying if you're not ready for it.

Please pray for us. Pray for me that I would be protected from the anxiety that Satan is trying to burden me with; pray that I would find joy in this situation; pray for our marriage during this time of strain; and pray as you feel led, because I know there are countless other things I haven't even considered.


Holly said...

I will pray my friend.
What the enemy means for harm, the Lord will use for good!

Amy B. said...

Praying, sweet friend. Hang on...just remember, we see the right here and the right now...He sees the first and the last, and knows what is right around the bend. Something good is coming, I feel sure of it.

PS - there are lots of teaching jobs in Texas!!! :)

Nancy said...

i will pray, and i def need it as well. HE is in control...thank YOU Jesus!!!!!

Garey and Janiece said...

Ah yes ... must be why the Bible is so full of warning us to guard our tongues ... rumor and gossip are not "harmless" sins, to be sure! Lean on the promises ... Psalm 121. Praying for you my sweet daughter!