Tuesday, January 31, 2017

This is the Stuff - Part 1

I love Francesca Battistelli's song "This is the Stuff." The refrain begins: "This is the stuff/that drives me crazy/this is the stuff/that's getting to me lately..."

In addition to the demise of our newest pet, this month has brought the Wilsons a few ice storms (although nothing like my family in Oregon has experienced), a minor car accident as a result of the ice, the stomach bug keeping one of the clan from celebrating Chinese New Year, bronchial yuck for another one of us...

Not to mention the vitriolic divisiveness resulting from the recent Presidential Inauguration that persists in flooding our newsfeeds and daily interactions.

Throw in some typical pre-teen and pre-school interactions, and this month has been somewhat exhausting. If I let myself dwell on it, I think I would be going crazy.

But the song goes on...

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