Saturday, July 3, 2010

Responsibility System

I've been praying this summer about how to instill more of a sense of responsibility in Dayna, as well as finding a routine that will fit our family's "new normal" in August once Dayna starts school and I return to work full-time.

This week, a friend on Facebook posted a link to a great resource: the Fisher-Kids system. (Click here for more details.) I absolutely love the philosophy and motivation behind this system. Teaching kids that they are part of a team, that they earn rewards and are not entitled to them, learning wise (and dare I say, Biblical) financial skills...this just makes sense to me.
Unfortunately, I don't have the money to invest in their system (but if it works for you, I say go for it!) We did find a way to make it work for us, though, at an investment of around $20.00. I still plan on buying 3 little piggy banks for Dayna (Give, Save, Spend), and some play quarters to represent her "Commission". (They will be magnetized on to her board.)

So, this is how we made it work for Dayna:

Daily Responsibilities (these are expectations...she receives no monetary compensation for them, it's just part of being on Team Wilson):
  1. Make bed
  2. Get dressed
  3. Clear dishes
  4. Empty box (we all have a box now for our stray things)
  5. School work
  6. Tidy room
  7. Brush teeth
These are represented by a yellow stick. When she completes them, she moves the stick to the empty pail.

Weekly chores (she will have to complete an assigned number each day, excluding Sunday; she will receive 1 quarter for each chore completed. Dayna helped choose most of these tasks.):
  1. Pick up basement (putting stray items in appropriate boxes)
  2. Pick up living room (same)
  3. Vacuum stairs
  4. Sweep under kitchen table
  5. Spot clean kitchen floor
  6. Wipe toilet and bathroom sink
  7. Gather and sort laundry
  8. Fold laundry (as she is able)
  9. Dust living room
  10. Mom's choice
  11. Dad's choice
  12. Free chore (extending grace and giving her the occasional day off when least expected)
These are represented by a red stick. Once completed, they go in the empty pail, and she can move the magnetic quarter to her weekly "commission bank." There are more chores to choose than she will have to do in a week. This adds to the randomness, and also shows that Mom & Dad are helping get things done as well...she doesn't have to do EVERYTHING. (I am aware that there are many things Mom & Dad do that aren't on sticks.)
Sunday is a day of rest and worship. It is also the day that she can collect the quarters she earned in the week.

She will need to fill out a slip of paper telling us what she earned.

For now, from her earnings, she will be expected to give at least one quarter to church and save at least one quarter for the bank (we will start taking regular trips to the bank). The rest of the quarters are for her to save short-term and spend with our guidance.

We are all excited to start our new system on Monday. I love the fact that it looks pretty cute hanging in her room as well.


Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

What a great idea! Let us know how it works!

LoreneHutchinson said...

It is really cute! I love it. I know it will wear off if you don't stay excited about it and make a weekly trip to a store for her to consider what she could buy with her "commissions" - LOL I think it is going to be hysterical one day when she is at a store and says, "Mommy, how much commission do I have to earn to get this item!" People will hear that and think you are a NUT! LOL