Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August Project #2 - Can-a-pa-looza

Canning, canning, canning! It's been years since I've really done this. Usually the garden comes into its own about the time school starts. And who has time then? Well now, I do!

We didn't plant a garden this year, but I have been blessed by generous friends who keep giving me great vegetables.

Last week, I spent Monday playing with these gorgeous Romas:

 I've never canned tomato sauce before, and I wasn't quite sure what I was doing, but with the help of my trusty food mill, I was able to prepare and cook down 6 pints of tomato sauce.

 Aren't they pretty? I love the way cans look all shiny and nice, while they sit there and make their happy little "pop pop pop" sounds when you take them out of the water bath.

So on Tuesday, I wondered how I could top my Monday exploits. What's better than tomato sauce? 

That's right...SALSA! Just look at these gorgeous peppers, tomatoes, onion and cilantro! (Only the cilantro was purchased...the rest of the veggies were free!)

The house smelled absolutely heavenly while everything was cooking.

  Into the jars they went. "Pop pop pop" (Doesn't that just make you happy?)

I wonder if I can find some more tomatoes for pizza sauce now? Maybe some more cukes to make pickles?

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