Thursday, August 16, 2012

Tale of a Sale

Last month, while we were in Oregon, my parents coordinated the most enormous yard sale to help fund our adoption. And not to discredit the insane amount of work they did, God had a few strings to pull in the process as well.
It took 3 days to set up and price merchandise on 23 tables, a garage full of electronics, and a tent full of furniture.

  My dad hung artwork all over the side of the house.

Dayna sold brownies, Red Vines, popcorn and drinks.

It took 3 days to sell a great majority of the products on the tables. (When we packed up to donate the leftovers, I think we had it down to about 4 tables.)

When all was said and done, almost 10% of our total need was raised.

I wish there was enough room to share the blessings that rained on our family during this long week, but I'll try to hit the highlights.

  • A woman from my parents' church called two weeks before the sale. Her family loves adoption, and she had recently lost her mother. Faced with the overwhelming task of going through her mother's things, she felt led by God to donate the bulk of her mom's possessions to help our family. We had 5 truckloads of furniture, dishes, and antiques...and met a wonderful family in the process.
  • The neighbors across the street held a lemonade stand for two days. At the end of the second day, the girls came across the street and donated all of their proceeds.
  • People were daily bringing donations of more goods to add to the sale.
  • Two of my cyber friends brought their children to help with the sale on Saturday. We weren't even able to be there that day because of my high school reunion. I've had the privilege of briefly meeting one of these friends face-to-face...the other will have to wait until I'm in Oregon again.
  • I have a list of at least 26 families who gave above and beyond to help make this sale work.
I feel so incredibly blessed by the generosity of friends and strangers.

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