Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Little Home Under the Piano

It doesn't exactly look like this...in fact, it's more like a jungle print fleece blanket thrown over a baby grand piano...

Dayna and I are reading Little House on the Prairie, and she has decided that our little fort should be a covered wagon. Every few paragraphs, she peeks out to look for wolves. Her little stuffed dog is "Jack". Of course, she gets to be "Ma", I'm "Laura" and "Pa" is usually downstairs watching TV or checking his email...we just say that he's off hunting.

Oh, these moments are so sweet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How sweet! Gracie's been enjoying the "My First Little House" books.
They are beautifully illustrated. We've tried reading "On the Banks of Plum Creek," but she's not quite ready for so few pictures!
Charlene :-)