Tuesday, June 29, 2010

We Interrupt this Moment of Intentionality...

...for an impromptu tea party. Sorry...no pictures. Dayna made invitations this morning for her dad & I to join her. We set the time for 10:30. After starting the cookies and realizing I'm out of cocoa, we took a quick walk to the store. Wouldn't you know it...with 1 hour's notice, we had mint chocolate cookie bars, a steaming pot of Organic China Breakfast tea, our best china, a (mostly) cleaned living room, and a lovely tea party. Dayna even invited four of her stuffed animals. She and I were wearing gobs of plastic jewelry, she had her finest hat on her head, and even took the time to put on her "makeup" (Tinkerbell lip gloss).

You know...I wouldn't trade this impromptu tea party for all the housework in the world.

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