Friday, March 4, 2011


Not posting this to whine...just trying to wrap my head around all that is expected of me...and none of this is something I can cut out at this's just all coming to a head at once. In no particular order of importance:

  1. 800 student grades put into a persnickety online database so report cards can be done
  2. Parent-teacher conferences next week
  3. Student teacher starting on Monday
  4. National Conference in Minneapolis in 2 weeks
  5. Budget for regional conference (2012) due at national conference in 2 weeks
  6. Must have several more meetings before #5 can be accomplished
  7. Local workshop in less than a month...still need presenters
  8. Husband has been working 70+ hours a week for 9 weeks
  9. Dayna's parent/teacher conference
  10. Dayna's IEP
Oh...and did I mention I'm not sleeping? This doesn't include the daily/weekly commitments that already fill my days.

I know things will be okay, and I know that two weeks from now, things will slow WAY down (or at least I'll be on spring break and can take a quick breather.) In the meantime, I'd really appreciate your prayers.

1 comment:

Garey and Janiece said...

Oh dear daughter ... know that I will be praying for you. Take it a second at a time and don't look too far ahead of that otherwise life gets way too overwhelming. I love you!