Monday, April 18, 2011

That's What Mommies Do

It's been a rough few days at the Wilson house...mostly due to lack of wisdom in parenting and lack of self-control in childhood. So, as Dan & I pray about how to handle this latest phase (please God, let this just be a phase!) I think back to one of Dayna's favorite phrases when we ask why she does something..."That's what Daynas do!"

So this morning, I popped this little poem in Dayna's lunchbox:

I will love you when you're grumpy.

I will love you when you're mad.

I will love you when you're happy.

I will love you when you're sad.

I will love you when you're snuggly,

And when you're mean and argue too.

I will ALWAYS love my Dayna,

Because that's what Mommies do!

1 comment:

A Brothers said...

Hang onto that'll be singing it when they are teenagers! : )