Saturday, January 10, 2009

Mommy Time

I must admit, my favorite time of day is right after Dayna wakes up in the morning. That's when we snuggle (or in Dayna's words, "cuggle") on the couch and spend a few quiet moments together before the craziness of the day begins. Dayna calls this time "Mommy time." (Can't say I'm complaining!)

Well, the underlying circumstances aren't favorable, but I'm looking forward to a little "Mommy time" of my own tonight. In about 2 1/2 hours, my mom and aunt will be arriving from Oregon. They will spend the night with us before driving up to Norfolk.

My grandmother's health is not doing so well. It looks like she will either be staying in nursing care or possibly (hopefully?) qualifying for assisted living. Nonetheless, after her recent hospitalization, it's pretty clear that she won't be able to return to her apartment. Thus, my mom and aunt are coming in for a few weeks to take care of things.

So, while I'm looking forward to a little "Mommy time" tonight, I'm also praying that she has some quality "Mommy time" of her own with my grandma. Grandma is a wonderful lady who has her moments (it must run in the family!), and the added circumstances will bring added stress. I pray that this visit will be one that will leave wonderful memories for everyone and conversations that draw them closer to each other and closer to God.

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